How to download


Purchasing and downloading digital products from our e-commerce platform is a straightforward process designed to provide you with quick and convenient access to the content you desire. This guide will walk you through the steps of selecting, purchasing, and downloading digital products from our website.

Collapsible content

How to Purchase Digital Products

1. Select the Product:

Browse through our collection of digital products and select the one that meets your needs. Click on the product to view more details.

2. Add to Cart:

Once you've found the desired product, click the "Add to Cart" button to add it to your shopping cart. You can continue browsing or proceed to checkout if you're ready to complete your purchase.

3. Review Cart:

Review the contents of your shopping cart to ensure accuracy. Make sure to not add more than 1 product into your cart, since they are digital products.

4. Proceed to Checkout:

When you're ready, proceed to checkout. You'll be prompted to enter your billing and email address. Make sure to use the right email address since your product will be sent toward this email

5. Make Payment:

Choose your preferred payment method (e.g., credit/debit card, PayPal) and enter the necessary payment details. Review the order total and confirm the payment to finalize your purchase.

How to Download Digital Products

1. Order Confirmation:

After successfully completing the payment process, you will receive an order confirmation email. This email will contain details of your purchase and the total amount paid.

2. Access Download Link:

Just after the checkout, you will have the possibility to download your order. You will also receive an email including a link to download your product(s).

3. Download the Product:

Click on the provided download link to initiate the downloading process. Depending on the file size and your internet connection speed, the download may take a few moments to complete.

4. Save the File:

Once the download is complete, your product(s) file will typically be saved to your computer or device's default download location. You may choose to save the file to a specific folder for easy access in the future. The file will be a zip file.

5. Verify Download:

After the file has been downloaded, verify that it has been saved correctly and is accessible from the designated location on your computer or device.

How to open a zip file

If you use Windows

To know if your folder is zipped or not, it is easy, a zipped folder has a zipper on its icon as shown below.

If you double click on the folder, it will not open like a normal one, but to unzip it, follow the next instructions:
1. Simple select the zipped folder.
2. Click on “Extract all”

If you don’t have access to the “Extract all” button, that probably means that you have a software like 7zip or WinRAR capable to unzip the folder.

3. Then, a window will open to ask you where you want to find your unzip folder. You can click on “Browse…” and select the destination of your folder. You can also simply click on “Extract” and the unzipped folder will be created at the same place of the zipped folder.


If you use an Apple device

It is simpler to unzip a file on a Mac. Simply double click on the zipped folder, and an unzipped folder will be automatically created at the same place as the zipped folder. You can also read this website for further information.


If you use an iPhone or an iPad, then you can follow the instructions from this website.


If you use a Chromebook

Simply follow the instructions from this website.


How to Contact Us

If you encounter any issues during the purchasing or downloading process, or if you have any questions about our digital products, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. You can reach us via email to, or via the Contact us page

We're here to help ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for you.